Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hello to all of Scott's family and friends!  This blog has been created to serve as a forum for Scott's family and friends to meet and celebrate Scott's life as well as discuss plans for a benefit.  There is also a donation button at the bottom right of the page to take donations to help with Scott's benefit and to raise money to help Joanna with hospital, funeral, and living expenses. Please feel free to donate any amount and please forward this blog onto anyone you know who may also be interested in donating.

Please feel free to comment and make full use of this blog for Scott.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from everyone!

(Scott's niece-in-law)


  1. Just checking to see if the comments comes up that I'm blogging as Scott because if I registered under my name, it would say 'About Aubrey' to the right and I wanted it to say 'About Scott' obviously! :)

